
Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Deer Class

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Mrs Hawkins, Miss Saba & Mrs Fullarton

Hedgehog Class

Miss Rahman & Mrs Linehan

Squirrel Class

Mr Callery, Miss Cox & Miss Cullen

PE days

Monday and Wednesday

Autumn celebration of learning!

In science we have been looking at properties of different materials. This came in useful when trying to protect an egg from being dropped from a measured height. We discussed which material would be best to prevent the egg from cracking, considering the properties. 

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In English and History, we have been learning about The Great Fire of London, discovering how and where it started and how the fire spread across London. We discovered how Londoners tried to control the fire. To explore this further, we created a fire line filling our buckets with water from our makeshift Thames. We got to experience how hard it was to try and control the fire that was ranging across London.