
Year 4


Welcome to Year 4!

Moorhen Class

Mrs Mason

Heron Class

Mrs Smith

Kingfisher Class

Mrs Heath

PE Days

Moorhen Class: Tuesday and Wednesday

Heron Class: Tuesday and Wednesday

Kingfisher Class: Tuesday and Friday

Pop Art in Year 4

After learning about the features of Pop Art, its significant figures and their work; we completed our self-portraits inspired by this movement. The children's work reflected their knowledge of the composition, techniques and key ideas of this artistic movement and enabled them to create their fantastic, original pieces. 


Our final Pop Art lesson in Year 4 was a great success! We were inspired by Andy Warhol's 'popular' images and focused on creating a personalised 'pop' effect. We used a variety of techniques and skills. Children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their amazing masterpieces with their proud teachers and peers. 


Fantastic home learning in Year 4!

We love home-learning in Year 4! Last half-term, we were learning about the digestive system in our science lessons and about the mountains in our geography lessons. Many of the children completed their brilliant projects and proudly shared them with their classes. Keep up the excellent work and being an inspiration for others, Year 4!