Year 6
Welcome to Year 6!
Kestrel Class
Miss Hannick
Osprey Class
Miss Zahorska
Red Kite Class
Miss Brennan
PE Days
Kestrel Class: Wednesday and Friday
Osprey Class: Wednesday and Friday
Red Kite Class: Wednesday and Friday
Snapshots of the excellent learning in Year 6 will arrive soon!
Year 6 have created informative posters about learning charters as a reminder for younger year groups on rights, responsibilities, rewards and consequences we all share at APPS. |
In DT, we researched, designed and created our own World War 2 Anderson Shelters. |
In Science, we enjoyed our learning on our unit ‘Evolution and Inheritance', where we investigated different bird beaks and the food they would be able to eat and how this linked to survival. |
In geography, we explored the different types of weathering and erosion, which included physical weathering, chemical weathering and biological weathering. |
We had a fantastic trip to the Lincolnsfields Centre, to support our learning on World War 2. We experienced a recreation of the Blitz, Dig for Victory garden, War Museum, 1940s school and 1940s home. |