
Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!


Kestrel Class

Miss Hannick

Osprey Class

Miss Zahorska

Red Kite Class

Miss Brennan

PE Days

Kestrel Class:  Wednesday and Friday

Osprey Class: Wednesday and Friday

Red Kite Class: Wednesday and Friday


Snapshots of the excellent learning in Year 6 will arrive soon!

Year 6 have created informative posters about learning charters as a reminder for younger year groups on rights, responsibilities, rewards and consequences we all share at APPS.

In DT, we researched, designed and created our own World War 2 Anderson Shelters.

In Science, we enjoyed our learning on our unit ‘Evolution and Inheritance', where we investigated different bird beaks and the food they would be able to eat and how this linked to survival.

In geography, we explored the different types of weathering and erosion, which included physical weathering, chemical weathering and biological weathering.

We had a fantastic trip to the Lincolnsfields Centre, to support our learning on World War 2. We experienced a recreation of the Blitz, Dig for Victory garden, War Museum, 1940s school and 1940s home.